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Social justice, human rights, and equal opportunity are just some of the mammoth things that new committee member G is passionately advocating for. 


A proud, queer, greyhound-owning, disabled person, G works with politicians and decision-makers to ensure that all young people have access to trauma-responsive, person-centred, holistic care that empowers and enables them to build their vision of a meaningful life.


This important work recently had G as the sole consumer representative in a highly successful 10-person Ministerial Taskforce into Public Mental Health Services for Infants, Children, and Adolescents. The task force investigated the current pressures and demands on the state’s public mental health system and came out with a comprehensive report with 32 recommendations. All of these have been endorsed and committed to by Health and Mental Health Minister Amber Jade Sanderson. The short and long-term recommendations are currently being implemented! 


G never stops advocating for equal opportunity but does enjoy taking their greyhound to the park, absolutely SERVING in a jumpsuit, and buying more books to add to the pile of books they are yet to read.


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